Budget Meetings and Materials

Important Updates:
- Change in assumption, $0 increase in State appropriation funding in FY26 and FY27. Please refer to the EAF/GRF calculator here
- Minor corrections to 5-year Business Plan templates. Please refer to the change log here
The Budget team facilitates annual budget meetings with each College and Administrative Unit and campus leadership. The series of meetings are typically held in two phases.
For units that have a Phase 1 Budget Meeting, the preliminary 5-year business plan will be presented at that time. All units must present a final 5-year business plans during their Phase 2 Budget Meeting with VC Fajack, AVC Moss, Provost Colley / VC Barish / Chancellor Miranda.
- A 5-Year Business Plan using the provided Excel template.
- Data may be entered by Fund Type or at the Restricted/Unrestricted Fund level (supporting details should be available within the unit if requested). Fund Type tabs will be hidden to streamline the presentation at the Phase 2 budget meetings.
- Any relevant workpapers used to prepare the 5-Year Business Plan.
- An Assumptions Narrative describing:
- the various assumptions used, per above.
- any insights gained from benchmarking (e.g. HelioCampus).
- any actions the unit is taking to achieve the results described.
- any strategic investments, along with a plan for accommodating future costs.
- metrics that will be used to track progress toward goals.
FY26 Budget Meeting Materials Box link
The All Funds & Budget Tableau dashboard provided by BFA has customizable filter options to view all fund activity and balances by operating or restriction status for each unit that correspond with the Budget Meeting Materials format.
All Funds & Budgets Dashboard
Additional Dashboards Heading link
Select high-priority initiatives may require some level of central co-investment from funds allocated annually to advance UIC’s strategic priorities. To be considered, please complete the Budget Request Form.